Tuesday 19 February 2013

Give It A Go Today.

It's great to see results after putting in all that hard work to get your websites out there to be seen. It's also good luck to have great internet marketing tools that work and drive traffic and make you more money also. One of them great tools is The Ultimate Sales Funnel....make sure you check it out and even try it out if it sounds like something you would be interested in. It definitely won't hurt!!!

Sunday 13 January 2013

To New Beginnings

So its 2013 and its off to new beginnings and adventures. Hopefully you've been doing your research and checking out all your options to getting traffic to your website/s. Remember to check out the ULTIMATE SALES FUNNEL also. It's a great tool to help in your marketing. Happy internet marketing everyone!!!

Monday 17 December 2012

Friday 14 December 2012

Traditional V's Ultimate Sales Funnel

Do we really need to give away silly "viral" reports or fight for opt-ins in the hope that we can hassle someone enough  to get them to purchase something. Well thats not neccessary in this day and age, how times have changed! Who wants to settle for .05% to 2% conversion rate, when you can get 20-40% on a clickbank product!


>Gets $2 EPC at Most
>Build buyer's List for the VENDOR
>Gives a "freebie" in exchange for the opt-in.
>Converts at .05%-2% at Best.
> Gets TONS of Unsubscribers.
> Promotes 1-2 products per sales funnel with Low conversions.
> Terrible for promoting HIGH-TICKET items.

>gET $5-7 epc's on average.
>Builds a buyer list for You.
> Gets the opt-ins without giving away ANYTHING.
>Converts at 20-50% STANDARD.(Reduces unsubscribers by 70%)
>Promote an endless number of products, with HIGH CONVERSIONS)
>High-scket items convert at 20%


This is the ULTIMATE AFFILIATE SOLUTION on a silver platter!

Tuesday 11 December 2012

A Great Sales Funnel Product

It was just a matter of time before a product as good as this came out!

* A sales funnel that converts at 43.6%
* $5-7 for every click
* A system that gets conversions up to 40-50%
* Massive 2000% increase in earnings

Don't settle for 0.2% or 0.5% conversion rate on your clickbank product. It works in which every NICHE you choose. This is the MOST INESCAPABLE, HIGHEST-CONVERTING and INNOVATIVE sales funnel you will ever see..

It's the ULTIMATE FUNNEL of today. Like the sounds of it? Try it.

Monday 10 December 2012

Are Traffic Funnels All That?

Traffic funnels, I've used them before but are they really the best way to go? OK let me think..when I first started out I typed out an article with my huge dreams and over excited imagination thinking that I will make big money very soon and I will just have to keep doing it and set up a funnel and there you go!....problem solved for money!. Wasn't I wrong, I didn't know about scams, spams and copywrite now did I! There is so much you have to learn, people are just catching up with the whole internet business and then you hear about people making it big online....maybe so, but how? Thats something I and probably millions of others want to know.  Right there are ones who will follow through and others who will just say "forget it! easier to just go back to work". That's true. But I always love hearing about the ones who kept fighting on for what they wanted and I respected them for that, cause life should not be all about working, sleeping, eating and kids and paying bills right. Its got to be about being able to have time to spend with family, and living the life you really want. Don't matter how old you are, what you do for a living or your living situation. Making a living on the internet has got to be in reach for those who want to succeed.

Anyone who has ever tried to make money online would have a fair idea how hard it can be. It can take years to master the methods to even get traffic to your websites. You know you could do surveys or proof-reading and things like that, that don't need you to generate traffic. But if you want to sell your products or someone else' then you really do need to find the right system, something thats effective and will help to start increasing your profits. Something that will keep doing this, not only in the present but also into the future. After all you should be rewarded for all your hard work right, so it just makes sense that a system like the ULTIMATE SALES FUNNEL would be one of them.
A funnel is or can be a powerful tool used to bring traffic to a website. It could mean the difference between making a good 20-40% profit with the product your advertising or making absolutely nothing. Many of us who have been in the internet marketing business know that funnels can be a great resource. If you have a solid sales funnel system to work with it will make for loads more leads and they will in turn be alot more productive for you. Using a traffic funnel can potentially explode your traffic to your site and increase your earnings. There are hundreds of funnel to choose from its just a matter or doing your homework and choosing the right one for you!


Saturday 8 December 2012

What Can The Ultimate Sales Funnel Do For You?

How times have changed, did you know that traditional methods of affiliate marketing are no more. That maybe so but with the ULTIMATE SALES FUNNEL it will bring you into the new era of marketing, and has the power to SET YOU FREE. Pick the best affiiate products so that you make more money doing less work and watch your residual income grow every single month. Our secret software solution that gets you 20-40% conversions on products that don't even belong to you! This one tip alone will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.


Get access to lists of 50,000 plus people who are EXCITED to promote your offers for free, and how to
repeat it everyday, all day long in ANY niche. Build a "leak proof" sales funnel so that once your
subscribers are in, they want to stay in and buy your recommendations again and again. Learn to keep 75% of your subscribers from unsubscribing. Pre-written, tested, letter to send out the best affiliates in any niche.
Separate your leads from your buyers...using affiliate products! This software is simple and easy to use you can be up and running in no time at all, and just watch the checks start rolling in....


If your serious about making your mark in the internet marketing business then you can't pass the opportunity to use the ULTIMATE SALES FUNNEL. This system has been designed to make you serious money, by raising your earnings by 2000%. Yes 2000%, it no joke, otherwise why would it have a 365day 100% money back guarantee. Time to decide, how badly do you want to CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Just remember converts at 43.6% and brings in $5-7 PER CLICK, that's what the USF can do for you!